Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Take the goat by the horns

An acquaintance of mine recently asked me "What has Satanism done for you?" Well I often find it hard to answer that question, largely because I find myself focusing on myself rather than my religious leanings. This evening though, an answer came to me as I was shaving; and so I share it with you, dear reader.

Satanism didn't do anything for me. Satanism is merely a religious philosophy. Like any religion, philosophy, or ideal it can't do anything by itself. It's like momentum: it can move things or people as long as there are things to be moved. To put it more succinctly, Satanism is a tool. It can't do anything for you any more than a gun can deliver unto you a dead deer or a wrench can fix your plumbing. These tools can do nothing on their own. They can only give you the means to do what you want them to. In other words, Satanism can't make you sexier or smarter or a better human being. Nor can it give you the motivation to do those things. What it can do is give you reasons to do all of those things yourself.

So then you might wonder 'How did you use Satanism to help yourself?' Well Satanism is a religion that encourages selfishness. Rather than concern yourself with others, you should wonder more about what you can make Satanism do for yourself. Asking what it does for someone else should be relatively obvious; it gave me the tools to make myself the person I am today. If you like the person I am or hate my guts, either one is fine. Do not misinterpret me though, the Church of Satan does not make someone into anything they are not already capable of being. In other words unless you're already an outstanding individual, Satanism won't make you into one. You should also never tread the Left Hand Path lightly. Embracing Satanism because your hero is or because the love of your life has will only end in your own troubles. Those are the actions of sycophantic followers, and the Church of Satan has no room for such people. If you know a Satanist though, and are intrigued by the thought of what you can make of yourself on that path...well that's a different story.

So to conclude. The simple answer to the above question is this: Satanism didn't do anything for me. It enlightened me as to why I should do things for myself. Also, if you're potentially Satanic material; you should focus less on me and more on yourself.

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